Site Perso de

Des actualités personnelles sous un style impersonnel, et inversement.
My professional experience 14 Mai 2011
- BleezWorld - Paris, May 2014 - current. CEO & Founder
- Technical consultant : apps, big data, internet of things
- Worked on MyVoice, winner of the Lépine contest 2014 (most famous inventors French contest)
- G2mobility - Paris, Aug 2013 - May 2014. Software Architect
- Start-up that builds charging infrastructures for electric vehicules (~15 employees). All-in-one product combining mecanical / electrical / embedded solutions.
- Technical advice to 4 engineers + responsible for innovating, total autonomy
- Setting up a big data infrastructure for handling data from charging points
- Optimized the charging strategy to reduce the global electric bill
- Tracked down and reduced communication costs between charging points and servers
- Built the new version of an electric card that simulates a car plugged into a charging point
- Drove the charger's leds stripe to give the impression that it is "breathing"
- Built a platform that monitors the health of our ~50 systems, spread all over France
- Google - Paris, May 2011 - Jul 2013. Software Engineer
- Backend engineering at YouTube in the team "Channels auto generated by YouTube" that was also in charge of the home page.
- Multiple internal projects to improve the quality of the channels, find what are their best videos, recommand the channels to users...
- Daily use and understanding of fundamental Google technologies (MapReduce, Bigtable, ...).
- 20 % project in operations research: implemented the Devex pricing in the linear solver.
- Worked in collaboration with teams in San Bruno (California).
- Apple - Cupertino (California), Apr 2010 - Apr 2011
- Hardware Test Engineering internship. Creating factory tests for massive handheld devices production.
Worked in the sensors team, especially on the compass.
Hands-on work in Apple's factories in China.
- Software Engineering internship on Xcode (Apple's IDE).
Report (in English)
Worked on a system of file clustering to facilitate navigation and on another one to look up words in a project.
- Barclays Capital - Tokyo, Apr - Sep 2009
- Systematic Arbitrage Trading internship. Developed two automated trading strategies on asian markets. Daily volume : $1 M
- Worked on various projects to improve the infrastructure, in C++ and Unix
Report (in French)
- Société Générale - London, Apr - Aug 2008
- Top Investment Bank
- Quantitative Research on Credit Derivatives (internship)
Non Arbitrable interpolation and extrapolation of the correlation smile (CDO) :
Report (in French)
- Implementation of a CDO pricer, understanding many research articles on the subject
- Independent Contractor - Paris (France), Sep 07 – Feb 08
- Contractor for ABB Group ; Developed a software to check if a building is thunder-proof regarding European standards.
- Mission in the context of the university's Junior Enterprise
- Strong knowledge and operating skills in C++, Java, Cocoa / Objective-C, VBA / VB6, Python
- Some experience in Bash, JavaScript, PHP, CamL, R, Matlab, AppleScript.
- Developed 4 iPhone Apps and an Android app.
- Some notions in embedded programming and Arduino microcontrollers.
- Most of my projects are open source.
- Bilingual in French and English, some Japanese and Spanish. Recently launched of a website
to learn Japanese
- MS in Computer Science «Artificial Intelligence», 2010
- University of Paris VI
- Machine Learning, Imagery, Operations Research
- Research Project on finding contours on an image based on
min graph cut
- source code (Java)
- MS in Applied Math «Probabilities and Finance», 2009
- University of Paris VI, top finance master worldwide
- Stochastic Calculus, Econometrics, Statistics, Exotic Derivatives, Computing Optimization
- B.S in Applied Math, 2005 - 2008
- Ecole Polytechnique, Top ranked and most competitive institution in Sciences and Engineering
- Operations Research, Markov Chains, CS, Cryptography ; some quantum physics, EE, continuum mechanics
- Research project on cryptography (decryption with a given dictionary)
original article (S. Lucks)
- source code (Java)
- Research Project on an attack of RSA based on continued fractions
Wiener's algorithm
- Report of the project
- source code (Java)